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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Visit by the Kims - Friend of Courtenay Barrett, the US Fallen

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2007-07-02 16:53:49
  • Count2285

In front of the Wall of Remembrance
Mr. Ernie Kim is a Korean-American. He and his family visited Seoul due to family affairs.

He has a American sworn father whose name is E.Lee Handley, who participated in the Korean War with his friend, Mr. Courtenay Barrett. He came back to his home country, but his friend couldn't.
Mr. Handley has missed Korea and his friend who died in the Korean War since then.

Mr. Kims came down to Busan from Seoul to visit the UNMCK to take pictures of the name of Courtenay Barrett engraved on the Wall of Remembrance. They believed that it must make Mr. Handley happy to meet his friend.


In front of the name of Courtenay Barrett