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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Letter from Mr. James Wright Blythe, the nephew of William(Billy) Wright

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2007-09-14 10:16:07
  • Count2306

This is a letter from Mr. James Wright Blythe, the nephew of Willlian(Billy)
Wright resting at the UNMCK. The original one is attached at the bottom.

To the peoples of the United Nations Memorial Cemetery South Korea

Dear Curator,

My name is James Wright Blythe. I am the Nephew of William(Billy) Wright, who lies within your care at grave number 977 who unfortunately died on the 19/05/1953 during the conflicts of that year,m serving with the Australian armed forces. His service number was 2/401046.

William Wright was better known as Billy Wright. Billy like myself was born in Motherwell Scotland. Billy immigrated to Australia whereupon he joined the armed forces and was posted to Korea. It is sad to reflect that Billy was only 21 years old when he died. His name was and is still spoken with immense pride by all his family past and present. Billy has never been forgotten by his family in Scotland. Billy's own mother died at 26 years of age when Billy was only a baby.

Billy was son to James and Mary Wright and brother to Jack James and Mary.

We do take great solace in the knowledge that you are tending and caring for Billy's final resting place, and send to you our enduring gratitude from all Billy Wright's relatives. Your tireless efforts on behalf of our dear Billy will never be forgotten.

Always in your debt

James Wright Blythe