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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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[일반] Lance Corporal Patrick David Jones

  • WriterCatherine Haseley
  • Date2008-11-17 01:31:21
  • Count2134

I have just returned from a visit to South Korea with my mother, Pat's sister. We had a wonderful time and have many happy memories to cherish, not least of which are the pictures of Uncle Pat's grave which I will forever hold in my memory. The whole Cemetery is tended very thoughtfully and is a peaceful place. Although I never met Uncle Pat as he died before I was born, I feel as if I knew him through the vivid and usually funny stories that mum and Uncle Eric, Pat's younger brother, recount when we are together. Continue to rest in peace.