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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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Dear. unknown soldier

  • WriterLee Min Seok
  • Date2019-05-15 21:59:09
  • Count769

Dear. unknown soldier Hello I am Lee Min Seok, a high school student who lives in Gyeonggi-do, korea I have watched a movie based on the Korean War. I watched the Korean movie Northern Limit Line, and the American movie Private Ryan. I was shocked by the sacrifices of countless soldiers and the cruelty and horrors of the war through the film. It was not a fictitious story, but the real situation of my father or grandfather's generation, which had a greater impact on me and I was feared that war could happen anytime During the Korean War, the participation of the U.N. forces was a great help. So I thank you for your sacrifice and dedication. I think the reason why our country was able to grow its economy is because of your noble sacrifice.You have a precious family and a dream, but I am grateful for helping our country in danger. My grandfather was also a veteran of the Korean War and I heard what the situation was like at that time. so I sympathize with how much pain you must have suffered I think it's a moment of crisis when you kill your enemies so you can live and see your wounded colleague. I was moved by the will and effort to help our country at the risk of that. Unfortunately, despite your sacrifice, our country is still divided. I hope that unification will come soon so that your sacrifice will not be wasted. I will not forget your hard work when I visit my grandfather who died on Memorial Day in Korea When I grow up to be an adult, I will be a contributor to society like you. I will be a history teacher and teach the history of our country and the fact that we don't repeat its tragic history. Modern people focus on living their own lives and do not think deeply about how they can have a cultural life Also, modern people live a selfish life that seeks only their own benefits. So, as a teacher, I will teach students to grow up to be adults who can help and always be thankful. When unification happens, many people will not forget you and peace will come to the Korean Peninsula,I hope unification will come and hope you will be happy in the sky even though the reality was hard. Once again, I thank you and respect you