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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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I wish you all the best. Please take care.

  • WriterSanghyun Na
  • Date2020-03-27 13:34:16
  • Count1067

Dear, veterans of the Korean War Hello, my name is Sanghyun and I am a junior student of a foreign language school in South Korea. Schools in South Korea are all closed due to the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 is a new virus that has not been found in humans. This virus is a jeopardizing disease because COVID-19 is known to directly affect the lungs. Many believe that young and healthy people do not face death from COVID-19, but recently, young people also have died by the infection of the virus. Not long ago, COVID-19 was only widespread in Asia. However, COVID-19 is now affecting Europe and America. I really am concerned about your health. Please take care. Our winter break should have ended on February 23rd and should have started my life as a junior student on that day. Even so, students weren’t able to go back to school since now. About 1~2 weeks ago the government announced the schools to extend the break and stop the students from going to school. As a Korean student that wants to go abroad, I had mandatory tests to take such as the SAT and AP. The SAT was canceled for the March and May test, and the AP curriculum has changed due to COVID-19. It’s unfortunate not to be able to take the tests, but it might still prevent students from getting infected. I have a friend in Michigan and I have heard that all the people in the USA are being quarantined. Moreover, I heard a fun fact that the aisles of the markets are literally empty. Many people in South Korea have the tendency to buy a lot of food from the market, but I haven’t seen an empty aisle yet. You should also get ready and provide a lot of food and water for unpredictable situations. On the other hand, the free time I get from the quarantine is highly beneficial. It provided me the opportunity to recall the past year as a freshman, and I was able to plan for my upcoming year as a junior. This time will probably provide you time to do what you like without any constraints. I wish you would also spend this time efficiently for your life. I once have went to the memorial day for the veterans of the Korean War that took place in Washington D.C. At that event, I was able to hear President Obama’s speech and was able to meet a number of veterans of the Korean War. When I have met a few veterans and I had the opportunity to give them flowers and have a small chat with the veterans. After that event, I was able to realize that a great number of veterans sacrificed their lives for me. In this time during the quarantine, reduce the number of times socializing in groups. Always keep on your mask and use hand sanitizers frequently. It might be hard to only stay home and not socialize, but just endure for a short time until COVID-19 ends. I really want to thank you for your sacrifice, and I wish you the best.