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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Dear, Korean war veterans

  • WriterNa Kyung Yeon
  • Date2020-06-24 00:43:18
  • Count851

Dear, Korean War Veterans Hello I am Na Kyung Yeon 17 years old living in South Korea. First thank you so much for sacrificing yourself in the Korean War. Before the Korean war, Korea was just a small country, existing in Asia which most people don’t know about. It would have been a hard decision for you to decide to help Korea. Nowadays Korea is having a hard time because of Covid-19. Since Covid-19 was so serious Korea’s teenagers couldn’t go to the school. I wanted to go to school at March but it was being postponed again and again. Nobody predicted that we couldn’t go to school until June. If there was no Covid-19 I would have taken my test in April. However, due to the postpone of school I took my mid term test in June. Also, we are going to school every other week. 2nd grade and 1st grade are going to school in a rotation. I am wondering when will Corona virus be quiet. I want to go to school periodically and be closer with my friends. This is my first year in my new high school, a new place I should be used to, but it is hard for me to adjust to the new situation because of Corona Virus. At my school we did the Corona Virus examination. It was unique experience for me. At first, I was scared because of the Corona. Most Korean were always being careful before we go somewhere. However, I think these days people are just wearing masks and going anywhere. I also always wear my mask but doesn’t worry about Corona anymore. But still, I always have to be careful and as much as possible I have to avoid going to place where it is crowded. I heard that this year is the 70th anniversary of the Korean war. I was surprised that Korean war was only 70 years ago. 70 years past but still North and South are divided. I hope one day we could be one. It would be a Memorial Day for all people related to the Korean war, and us living these days. I think the dispatched medical team of Corona virus is similar to the Korean war veterans. I respect both of them and they are both having and had a hard time. It isn’t easy to work in a hard situation. Most people only think about themselves when the situation is hard. However, thanks to you, you decided to help others. Without your help we wouldn’t have a success in the war. If I grow up, I want to be a person like you. Being brave all the time in any moment. I want to learn the big courage the first. I have no free time to think and care about others. However, sometimes I should be more generous and think about others. Again, thank you so much and I will never forget you.