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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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People looking after UNMCK1

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2007-07-04 16:25:34
  • Count2760

It's quite busy in the spring of UNMCK.

The tulips have faded already and the marigolds are ready to take pride in their beauty. The fallen Sakura petals have blown away. Stone walls are covered with all over with ivy.

Here are gardeners taking care of the UNMCK's spring.
A new spring has come to the UNMCK.
When you visit the Cemetery, you can find UNMCK more beautiful.

Removing the tulips from the bed at the Main Plaza

Trimming off ivy on the walls of the bed at the Main Plaza

The Marigolds are replaced in the bed at the Main Plaza

Drowing up a net with fallen Sakura petals floating on the fountain of the Wall of Remembrance

Planing the diantus along the bed next to the Memorial Service Hall