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T. LIEBENBERG's story from South Africa, the intered at UNMCK

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2008-02-11 10:22:55
  • Count5057


2/Lt. Liebenberg was a member of a flight due to take-off at approximately 07h00. Captain MJ Uys, the Operations Officer of 2 Squadron had that morning, after briefing, inquired from Liebenberg how he felt as it was his first operational flight, to which he replied, “Dood reg.” Liebenberg took off and as he gathered speed his aircraft started a gentle broadside to the left causing it to veer off the runway and towards the control tower. His aircraft hit a ditch, collapsing the undercarriage. It burst into flames as it hit a stationary aircraft parked in the parking area near the control tower. He died in the resulting inferno.

*The source: 2 SQUADRON IN KOREA