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K.R. WHITEHEAD's story from South Africa, the intered at UNMCK

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2008-02-18 09:02:39
  • Count3130

2/Lt. K. R. Whitehead, DOD: 01 JANUARY 1951

2/Lt. Whitehead was to conduct a close support mission. As he pulled up from the target he noticed oil spreading over his front windscreen. He called his leader and told him he was heading south. He was guided to a landing strip. On approach to this landing strip he noticed out of the side of his windscreen that there were people on the strip. So he chose to belly-land next to the strip. He reported to his leader, that he was safe and shortly thereafter a helicopter rescued him. His aircraft was a write-off.
Five days later he was killed in an air accident.

*The source: 2 SQUADRON IN KOREA