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유엔기념공원과 관련한 신문, 잡지 등의 "언론 보도기사 모음" 입니다.

2019.10.24 연합뉴스/'유엔기념공원 아세요?' 홍보 유튜브 채널 개설

'유엔기념공원 아세요?' 홍보 유튜브 채널 개설

(부산=연합뉴스) 차근호 기자 = 유엔기념공원은 유튜브를 통해 유엔기념공원을 알리기 위해 '유엔기념공원 UNMCK' 채널을 개설했다고 24일 밝혔다.

이 채널에는 유엔기념공원을 영어, 프랑스어, 일본어 등 6개 언어로 소개하는 동영상이 게재돼 있다.

유엔기념공원 국제관리위원회 의장인 필립 르포르 주한프랑스 대사의 참배 모습과 터키 참전용사의 참배 모습 등 최근 진행된 행사 이모저모도 소개한다.

유엔군 전몰장병 '추모명비'

어린이들을 위한 '유니의 유엔기념공원 탐방기' 애니메이션도 제작, 시청할 수 있도록 했다.

U.N. Memorial Cemetery's YouTube channel launched

BUSAN, Oct. 24 (Yonhap) -- The U.N. Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) said Thursday it has launched a YouTube channel designed to help enhance public understanding of its historic value and meaning.

The cemetery, located in the country's southeastern port city of Busan, is "the final resting place of the fallen U.N. soldiers and war veterans" who fought during the 1950-53 Korean War, according to its website.

It was established by the U.N. Command in 1951 in honor of their sacrifice. The South Korean government and the United Nations signed an agreement on the maintenance of the cemetery in 1959, with the Commission for the UNMCK, consisting of 11 member nations, currently in charge of the operation.

The YouTube channel offers videos introducing the cemetery in six languages, including English, Turkish and French.

It also shows various events held at the park such as visits by French Ambassador Philippe Lefort and Turkish war veterans.

A file photo of the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea in Busan (Yonhap)

Also among the available videos is an animation that introduces the park to child visitors, according to park officials.