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[감사편지]제5회 해외참전용사께 감사의 영문편지쓰기 대회 장려상8

  • 작성자admin
  • 작성일2015-08-13 14:37:26
  • 조회1359

아래 글은 부산지방보훈청 주최로 열린 [제5회 해외참전용사께 감사의 영문 편지 쓰기 대회]에서 장려상을 입상한 덕명여자중학교 장소영 학생의 글을 옮긴 것 입니다.

To the Korean War Veterans,
I'm Jang So Young , a student at Deok Myeong Middle School.
I'm writing this letter to the Korean War veterans who came from other nations to defend my homeland, Korea.
As June 25th is approaching more and more, there is a growing sense of appreciation for you. It is a day that we remember the war that happened from 1950 to 1953. If you didn't devote your life fighting for South Korea, things would be different today.
I have read books and articles about many soldiers who defended our country during the war. They were really touching, so I say “thank you!”
In particular, the story of Richard Seabury Whitcomb is simply outstanding. Not only did he redeem my homeland but also helped my people to stand again and be a free nation. As the war raged on, Whitcomb thought about the victims of war. He rescued hopeless children and became a father of wartime orphans. He also supported medical and educational facilities.
When I think about the veterans’ sacrifices to South Korea, I admire their character and hope they gave to us.
At the present, many people are selfish. They only think about themselves. You left your countries to fight a dangerous war in a strange country. I really admire your generous devotion.
I am not sure if I can ever dedicate my life for Korea like you did. But I'll always learn from your stories, love Korea much more, and help other people whenever I can.
Through your sacrifices, we have a chance to exist today in this beautiful land.
For our future, you dedicated your precious lives.
I would be forever grateful.
                                                                                Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                Jang so Young,