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[감사편지]제5회 해외참전용사께 감사의 영문편지쓰기 대회 장려상5

  • 작성자admin
  • 작성일2015-08-11 10:15:58
  • 조회1256

아래 글은 부산지방보훈청 주최로 열린 [제5회 해외참전용사께 감사의 영문 편지 쓰기 대회]에서 장려상을 입상한 개림중학교 안은재 학생의 글을 옮긴 것 입니다.

Dear all of veterans who fought for South Korea to keep freedom and peace.
Hi, before I start to write a thank-you letter, let me introduce myself. I am Eun-jae Ahn and sixteen years old. It is the time when spring ends and summer begins and I live a very peaceful life here in Korea. But soon after, There is a highly significant date in our history: the 65th anniversary of the Korean War.
To recall the Korean War 65 years ago, the only thing left there were desperation. It might be the land of ruins. However, now Korea is changing constantly, and we call it the "Miracle on the Han River". This was possible because of you and all the veterans who fought against violent communists. And your blood, sweat, and tears now became a stepping stone for peace in this nation.
We honoured the service, contribution and sacrifice of the many soldiers of the UN-forces headed by the United States, Korea and also the twenty other peace-loving countries. Therefore I am deeply thankful for your contribution and sacrifice to protect and preserve the peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.
Our people, including me, owe all of you a real debt of gratitude for your help, and you may don't know how much I appreciate this honor. Every beads of your sweat became flower, and tears bore good fruit. From rememberable efforts to forgotten efforts, and from rememberable pain to forgotten pain, all of veterans who fought courageously to defend democracy are well merits the gratitude of our people.
I will always remember every part of precious values of democracy, freedom, and peace that we think just a given is result of their blood and sacrifice. Lastly, we engrave your names in our hearts with love and we inscribe your names in our land with appreciation. Korean War Veterans, You will always be our heroes. Thank you for reading my letter.
In eternal remembrance of UN-forces in Korean War,
Sincerely, Eun-jae Ahn