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The United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea is the only sacred ground of its kind in the world.

Green Area

This land(over 7ha) is preserved as buffer or supplementary zone in order to complement the interred at the UNMCK.

Veterans’ Grave Area

Beginning in 2015, UN Forces veterans have been interred in the War Veterans Grave Area. In this area, the graves are ordered by date, not by nation.

UN Forces Monument

  • Dedicated by Korea
  • Year Dedicated 1978
  • Signification Facing the front of the monument one see doves which represents peace and an engraved writing, 유엔군위령탑(UN Forces Monument), of a former President, Chung-hee PARK. The side walls display brass plaques detailing the assistance by the UN nations and their casualties.
  • Refurbished in 2007
  • Refurbished in 2007
  • Before Refurbished, in 2006
  • Before Refurbished, in 2006

Wall Of Remembrance

  • Dedicated by Korea
  • Year Dedicated October 24, 2006
  • Signification The Memorial Wall of the UNMCK, on which all the names of the fallen during the Korean War under the banner of the United Nations Forces are inscribed, was completed on October 24, 2006. It had been funded by the Korean Government in order to dedicate the noble sacrifice made by those who gave their invaluable lives in defense of the Republic of Korea against the Communist aggression. The round pond symbolizes the Universe where the sky and the Wall together with spirit of the fallen and the mind of the spectators are present. The helmet in the pond signifies war while the lotus flower on the opposite side of the pond signifies sublimation from war to peace. On the black stones of the Wall all the names of the fallen, 40,896 (including the missing ones) from 17 countries in all, are engraved in alphabetical order by country and individual name. The brave soldiers interred at the UNMCK are marked with ◇ at the end of each name.

Unknown Soldier’s Pathway

The road stretching southward from the UN Forces Monument has been replaced with the “Unknown Soldiers' Pathway.” The number ‘11' is very significance.

  • Refurbished in 2008
  • Refurbished in 2008
  • Before Refurbished
  • Before Refurbished

Thai-Korean Friendship Bridge

The restoration of Pond I is complete and the area is now open to visitors. The pond, which had been covered with reeds, has recovered its original beauty. The bridge that connects to the islet in the middle of the pond had been originally donated by the Thai government in 1976. Busan Bank donated funds so that the old and unsafe bridge could be replaced by a new one. Visitors are now able to cross the pond and enjoy the view from the islet.

  • Refurbished in 2008
  • Before Refurbished

Pond I

  • Refurbished in 2008
  • Refurbished in 2008
  • Before Refurbished
  • Before Refurbished

Pond Ⅱ

Dedicate flowers

Flowers dedication

We are delivering
your precious heart.