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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Dear. The bravest korean war soldiers

  • WriterMinHa Shin
  • Date2020-12-18 23:25:02
  • Count593

Dear. The bravest korean war soldiers
Hello, my name is Min Ha Shin. I`m seventeen years old high school student in South korea.The weather in Korea has gotten very cold, how is the weather there? It snowed a few days ago because winter came in Korea. I saw an article that said it got off later than a few years ago. Anyway, seeing the snow, I feel like winter is really here, and I can feel that 2020 is coming to an end. As the corona spread, it felt like a year passed by. I didn't do anything, but it felt like a year passed by. There are many things I expected when I went to high school this year, but I still feel like I'm in middle school. I wonder what your year was like. This is because the year was so depressing and difficult that the word Corona Blue was coined. I think a similar situation will be repeated next year because the corona, which began earlier this year, still remains. I don't know what the situation is like in the country you live in, but since the spread is increasing all over the world, we should take care of ourselves more health. Originally, the test was before Christmas, but it was postponed and ended on the last day of 2020. So I was really embarrassed, but now I am preparing hard to do well on the test.The weather in Korea has gotten very cold, how is the weather there? It snowed a few days ago because winter came in Korea. I saw an article that said it got off later than a few years ago. Anyway, seeing the snow, I feel like winter is really here, and I can feel that 2020 is coming to an end. As the corona spread, it felt like a year passed by. I didn't do anything, but it felt like a year passed by. There are many things I expected when I went to high school this year, but I still feel like I'm in middle school. I wonder what your year was like. This is because the year was so depressing and difficult that the word Corona Blue was coined. I think a similar situation will be repeated next year because the corona, which began earlier this year, still remains. I don't know what the situation is like in the country you live in, but since the spread is increasing all over the world, we should take care of ourselves more health. Originally, the test was before Christmas, but it was postponed and ended on the last day of 2020. So I was really embarrassed, but now I am preparing hard to do well on the test.The reason why I wrote this letter is to thank you. Recently, I learned about the Korean War in history class and studied several times because it was a test range, so I felt a lot of gratitude for you. In fact, even though Korea was a small country whose name was not very well known at the time, it came for our country with your lives and youth. If I were you, I would have hesitated very much, but I thought you guys with such courage were amazing. While I was learning this content, I and my friends felt very thankful. Thank you for sacrificing for our country. The outside situation is still very dangerous, so take care of your health and if you have a chance later, I will write another letter to talk about something different from my safety. Always be happy.
Sincerely, MinHa