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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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Letter from a NZ Veteran, Mr. Peter Dilley

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2007-08-29 16:00:03
  • Count2169

The letter from a New Zealand Veteran, Mr. Peter Dilley, is attached here for our visitors, as follows :

Dear Ms. Park,

Thank you very much for your email kindly informing me about the UNMCK web site, and also for your letter received today. Our recent visit to the Busan United Nations Memorial Cemetery - on 27 July 2007 - was a most moving experience for me and my wife. For the first time since serving in Korean waters during 1952, I was able to actually set foot on Korean soil and see the names of my fellow shipmates who have 'no known grave' upon the memorial that records their supreme sacrifice in support of the ideals of the United Nations in defending your homeland. They have always remained fresh in my mind but is an added comfort to know that they now have a beautifully tended spiritual home in Korea. Thank you to all who care for UNMCK in honouring their memory.

Being hosted by the UPKMF to visit your country was a great privilege. My only regret has to be that, because of the constraints of travel schedules, we were not able to spend as much time at UNMCK as we personally would have wished. However, the welcome and kindness we were shown by the many Korean people we met was truly wonderful. We were particularly touched by one veteran at the cemetery who cooled me with his fan and then gave it to my wife. Sadly we couldn't converse and we don't know his name, but it was a very thoughtful gesture on so hot a day!

We will look in on the web site from time to time. Thank you again for telling us about it.

Best wishes and regards,

yours sincerely,

Peter Dilley
