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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Visit by Mr.Thomas Clark

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2008-07-10 14:18:49
  • Count2265

It has been 3 years when Mr. Thomas Clark came to Korea from Scotland and now he lives in Seoul. His father who served as a soldier and his uncle, a Korean war veteran live in their mother country, Scotland. Those kinds of family history makes the UNMCK so meaningful to Mr. Thomas.

He said he had visited UNMCK last year and offered flowers, and this year he wanted to do something special. He brought the national flag of Scotland. He looked around the English grave yard as if he wanted to memorize all of the names of the soldiers.

At last he stops at one grave saying "I may offer the flag here". He paid one minute silence tribute.

He said he would like to express his cordial gratitude for all of the fallen UN soldiers and also appreciate the Koreans who care for this cemetery. Touched by all the memories, his eyes became red when he leaves the UNMCK.