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Norway holds a memorial to commemorate the 55th year of the Armistice

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2008-09-09 13:44:53
  • Count2498

In order to commemorate the 55th year of the cease-fire agreement of the Korean War, Norwegian Veterans of the war visited the UNMCK on July 21 and held a memorial ceremony and paid tribute.

The memorial ceremony began at 9:30 a.m. lead by a reserve major general, five Norwegian veterans of the Korean War, many members of the bereaved families, and Kerry Roll Clepstard, who was in the Korean War as a nurse for six months, participated in the ceremony. All in all, 33 Norwegians attended this memorial service and paid tribute
Norway dispatched medical teams to Korea during the Korean War and had 3 natives fall in the war. Two were repatriated to their homeland. Mr. R G TVEIT still rests at the UNMCK.