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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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May the braves rest in peace

  • WriterS M Lee
  • Date2010-03-31 13:06:07
  • Count1897

On Septemer 6th, I did volunteer work at the UNMCK.
Since it was my third time voluteering, I knew pretty much knew what to do so I went straight to the office to report I came got the name tags. I headed to the Memorabilia Hall and waited for visitors to come in. Not long after, people started to come in and looked around the photos and stuff there. I answered their questions and explained some things including how the first UN flag got there. The rest of the time I was there went pretty smoothly.
Whenever I visit the UNMCK, i always get a chance to think about the people who sacrificed their lives for the Korean people. I'm always forever thankful for what they did.
May the braves rest in peace.