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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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The heros who never came home.

  • Writerlawrence W
  • Date2011-03-19 10:29:00
  • Count2059

My dad was lucky he came home after combat service with both 1 and 2 RAR June 1952 to July 1953
He was very, very lucky on two occasions when he easily could of joined his best and other mates in the UN Cemetery. Thanks to the skill and ferocity of his mates in the Section and on another occasion the
medics, RAP and MASH Surgeons.

To all of you brave men who did not come home you are not forgotten, you will never be forgotten, as long as their is a Australian breathing you will always be remembered.

In the Morning and at the Going down of the Sun
We Will Remember Them.