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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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thank you for your sacrifice

  • WriterYeo Jeongyeon
  • Date2018-08-11 21:16:21
  • Count1014

I always remind the fact that thanks to war veterans, we are able to be here, in safe Korea. It might not be an easy decision to take part in a war, especially for a country where is perfectly has no relationship with you. Thanks to your devotion, we made our country great. Now it's enough to pay back the help from the world to another part of the world where needs help. We'll not forget the spirit of sacrifice that you showed us. I hadn't thought about the Korean War and the victim of that war. but the school club activities, which is for remembrance of that war, made me appreciate to the all who fought for us. A few months ago, I had a chance to visit The Korean War Veterans Memorial in the US. I didn't know about the memorial in a foreign country until the visit. Walking along the memorial, I thought that there are lots of people who remember the war and hope not to have a terrible war again. On the other hand, I felt ashamed of myself who didn't consider the war that seriously. I always thought that the war just went away, a long time ago. Now I realized that it is not only the old's work to remember and try not to make another war. I try to remember the faith you showed every day. I also visited the war veterans this month. I would thank you and remember your sacrifice forever. Thank you again.