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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.


Here are the news and future plans of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

Visit by New Zealand’s Governor General

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2019-10-24 18:40:03
  • Count1729

On 24 October, New Zealand’s Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy, visited the UNMCK along with New Zealand’s ambassador to Korea H.E. Philip Turner to pay tribute to the New Zealanders who fell in the Korean War.


-Dame Patsy Reddy offers remarks in tribute to the fallen-

-In front of the New Zealand Monument-

-Observing a moment of silence-

-Dame Patsy places poppies at the graves of fallen New Zealand troops-

-Dame Patsy Reddy inspects the Commonwealth Memorial -

-Dame Patsy Reddy inspects the Wall of Remembrance-

-Dame Patsy Reddy in front of the Australian Monument-

-Signing the guest book-

-Dame Patsy Reddy receives a memento of her visit from UNMCK Custodian Amb. (Ret.) Younsoo Lee-