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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.


Here are the news and future plans of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

VR Program & UNMCK Live Feature Survey

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2023-06-26 17:18:13
  • Count699

Hello, this is the Office of the UNMCK. With the help of Busan City, we were able to open a beta version for the VR tour and live-streaming feature on our website. We are aiming to open the features officially on July 27th, on the 70th anniversary of the signing of the armistice. So we are hosting a survey event to ask for your opinions!


Participation Period & Winner Announcement

• Period: Today – July 13th, 2023

• Winner Announcement: July 19th, 2023 


How to Participate

​1. Try out our VR prgram and Live-streaming feature

- VR Program: http://vr.unmck.or.kr/

- Live-Streaming: https://bit.ly/unmck_live

2. Tap on the provided link: https://bit.ly/unmck-survey

3. Answer all questions and submit your responses


List of Prizes

• Coffee voucher (1 voucher/participant; 100 winner via random draw)

• A gift card equivalent of 10,000 KRW per error or typo

• A gift card equivalent of 50,000 KRW for a point of improvement 


Additional Notice

• Each participant may submit multiple responses, but only one gift will be provided per winner for the random draw.
• If identical errors are reported, only the first person who made the report will receive the prize.

• The prizes will only be awarded if the suggestions of improvements are applied to the actual program.


We ask for your enthusiastic participation!