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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.


Here are the news and future plans of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

Visit by President Lee

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2010-06-18 11:39:51
  • Count5029

President Lee Myung-bak visited the UNMCK and participated in the remembrance ceremony on June 18, 2010.

It was the first visit for an incumbent Korean president since ex-president Park Jung-hee visited forty-four years ago.

President Lee observed a moment of silence to honor the fallen soldiers. He paid tribute to a Turkish interred, Mustafa DUZGUN as well as the youngest Australian interred, J P DAUNT, and those who fell of Gapyeong battle. Following, he laid a wreath on the grave of the hero of the day, British interred, G.W.A. HOWARD among who fell on June 18.

The ceremony for the commemoration planting was cancelled owing to bad weather. President Lee's commemoration planting was planted across from the Turkish President's.

**Kind: Pine tree
**Size: 2M

At the conclusion of his visiting, President Lee inscribed on the guest book in the Memorabilia Hall, "We'll never forget all the sacrifices made for freedom and peace in Korea."