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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

UN Sharing Board

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Total 84 List (2/9 page)

No. Title Writer Count Date
74 ROGER McFARLANE 2199 2015-11-09
73 Dianne 2359 2014-01-18
72 James R Grundy 140 2013-03-05
71 Fatih Bas 2336 2013-02-16
70 admin 2752 2013-01-10
69 admin 6152 2013-01-08
68 SENCER 2710 2012-04-20
67 Sumeyye Nur 2472 2012-03-25
66 Marie Greene 2484 2012-02-17
65 admin 2483 2012-02-08

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