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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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To UN forces veterans of the Korean War

  • WriterJaeHun Jung
  • Date2017-10-08 21:08:10
  • Count1067

To UN forces veterans of the Korean War Hello. I am Jae-Hun Jung, middle school student of South Korea. The Korean War is one of the big war occurred in South Korea which North Korea invaded South Korea. That is also could be called the Third World War because it is so big war. During the war, UN supported very much for South Korea including ground forces, navy, air forces and medical corpsman. So quickly, 64 years passed since ceasefire. During 64 years, separated families of both South and North Korea lived missing each other. As time goes by, the gap between South and North Korea bigger and people of both countries becoming unrelated to each other. Now, peace of South Korea, a democratic country, could not be possible without your sacrifice. We should not forget the Korean War. But, I am sad that reality is people forget the war gradually. The Korea war has been forgotten slowly. But, I think, we should not forget the war because during the war not only Korean soldiers, but UN forces entered a war. Not long time ago, I visited war veterans of the Korean War living in South Korea. They are living lonely in a small room of underground. There were many people got injured. But the living expense getting from government is too short to just earn a living. I visited them bringing rice and several goods. I talked and listened much about the Korean War. They are afraid of becoming forgotten of the Korean War and pleased to the fact of knowing their sacrifice. Also, they wanted the sacrifices of the Korean War and war veterans are remembered ever. I think we should not forget the sacrifices of war veterans of the Korean War who made the peace of now. The sacrifice of UN forces is same. How hard they are to come to unknown country and devoted their youth? I am very appreciated to fight for unknown country. I will never forget your youth and sacrifice. I think freedom and peace is not free. I think these freedom and peace are the outcome from sacrifices of the war veterans of the Korean War. For me, middle school student, it is so sorry that all I can do is just delivering my gratitude mind by letter and remember sacrifice of war veterans. There is UN memorial cemetery in Busan. Every year, the number of tourist visiting this place is increasing. But, it is sad that foreign visitor is more than Korean. 2,300 UN forces soldiers are buried there. In 1955, Korea National Assembly donated land, and UN operating the land forever. There are many monuments of Turkey, Thailand, Philippine, Canada, Australia, U.S, England and etc. which countries were fought for South Korea. The visitors of this place cherish and remember the sacrifice of UN forces. I hope more places like UN memorial cemetery constructed in the future. I am very appreciating again of sacrifice of UN forces veterans of the Korean War. It would be never easy to fight for unknown country. I think, I am living peaceful South Korea now thanks to your sacrifice. I hope you also have self-esteem of making this peaceful South Korea. I also hope that you are treated well and remembered forever by people not only in South Korea but also in your country.There is the sentence in Korean War Memorial, ‘Freedom is not free’. Current freedom would not be exist if there were no your sacrifice and efforts. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Jaehun Jung