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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Never forgotten

  • WriterJosje Koenen-van der
  • Date2025-01-23 16:17:41
  • Count43

Dear uncle Guus, brother of my mother Jo, your oldest sister.
Jo has honoured you all days of her life untill she died at 98 years.
She was so happy that she could visit your grave  40 years after your death. There she stood  accompanied by your youngest sister Cocks.
After my mother diseased I took over the task to keep your memory alive.
It was my turn to visit your grave in 2022.
I brought you a picture if your beloved girlfriend Tiny Waterreus with whom you had made plans for the future.
I digged so her picture is now at your side for ever.
Then I sung for you ''W'll meet again''.
With all my love, dear Guus.
Your niece Josje.