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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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Dear Heroes

  • WriterYeji Han
  • Date2019-11-24 22:47:12
  • Count769

Hello! I am 17 years old Han Yeji attending the Departmental High School of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. On November 11, I was sorry and heartbroken that there were still some people who were not aware of this important event, announcing the anniversary of the Turm Toward Busan. I think I am here because of the warriors who fought and gave their lives for this small Korean Peninsula. In fact, I didn't know that when I wasn't aware of the veterans, so many countries, people from so far away, fought for our country. Many people in our history were ignorant of modern great men who taught our country to this day. I don't know each and every one of you, but I think everyone deserves to be called the great man of Korea. I feel a great problem with the ignorance of these Koreans, and I present my great achievements and respect to many Koreans through my school club activities. Our country is now at a standstill in the war. We are trying to solve the problem with North Korea in a peaceful manner, and we are definitely establishing our country's identity. Thank you very much. I don't think I'd be able to participate in a war in which I'd give my life to a country I don't know, not support, not support. I'm so grateful for that courage and dedication that I can only say that I'm great. I don't know how you're doing, veterans. I hope you will forget all the hard wars and the scenes of death, and enjoy the beautiful life of the present, feeling proud of the future of Korea created by the humble. I hope you're happy. I will never forget to thank you, honor, and support your life! Thank you and I love you.