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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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Dear Korean War Veterans

  • WriterHareen Oh
  • Date2020-12-18 21:13:27
  • Count646

Dear Korean War Veterans
Hello my name is Hareen Oh, a 18 year old student living in South Korea. I can’t believe next week is already Christmas! It’s time to wrap up the year, but I wonder if there is anything to wrap up at all. Although a year has passed since last Christmas, I feel like I haven't done much. The Coronavirus made many shops and stores close down, and people have to wear masks all the time. This affected me a lot, especially in my school life. Most of my school’s biggest events have been cancelled, and I haven't been able to talk with my friends during lunch time. But above all, my grades became lower. Online classes made it difficult for me to concentrate, and the fact that I could only go to school every other week didn’t help. The grades of my four exams that I took this year were all lower than my expectations, and the last one that I took last week was the most disappointing. It was the last exam before my final year of highschool, and my grades hit me hard. I want to redo the year of 2020 and get back my normal life, and have a better year. I agree with this year’s Times Magazine cover, which has a big red ‘X’ mark on ‘2020’ and the words ‘The Worst Year Ever’ written below. This shows that 2020 was a pretty chaotic year due to the Coronavirus, and I can predict that everyone had a hard time going through it. In Korea, the spread of the Coronavirus was steadily decreasing, until a few weeks ago. The number of confirmed cases rose rapidly, and we have reached over 1,000 confirmed cases now. I am worried that this increase of confirmed cases might happen to other countries as well. I hope the world can overcome this disastrous situation as quickly and safely as possible. And hope is coming. The vaccine has been invented recently, with distributions all over the world in the process. I wish the vaccine could be a Christmas present to save people all around the world. Although this Christmas will still be spent indoors with family members, I hope next year people can go outside to play in the snow, meet relatives, and celebrate altogether. I hope you and your colleagues are safe from the Coronavirus, and spend a nice Christmas with your family members this year. Although 2020 was a hard year, people of South Korea know that you helped us in even harder years. We are grateful for your courageous actions in those times, and hope you and your family are safe. Since I was born many years after the Korean War, 2020 was the worst year that I had experienced. But I think the days of the war may be worse than today, and to you those days could be much more devastating. And you fought through those hard times well. The year of 2020 with the Coronavirus was tough, but I know you can overcome it just like you did before. So please stay safe and have a happy Christmas!
Sincerely, Hareen Oh