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R. L. STAATS's story from South Africa, the intered at UNMCK

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2008-03-05 13:25:39
  • Count4346


Interred at the UNMCK on 21 January 1952
2/Lt. R. L. STAATS, DOD: 22 JULY 1951

2/Lt. Staats took off his aircraft flight to bomb a bridge, who after dive-bombing the target pulled out. In the pullout his aircraft was hit by ground fire and started to stream coolant. He immediately informed the leader that he was heading east. His coolant temperature rose very rapidly and he put his aircraft into a slight dice to the reach the coast faster. After passing the coast he noticed a friendly ship below, and at the same time his engine started to miss badly. His cockpit became filled with smoke and he decided to bale out. In baling out, his foot became jammed between the seat and the side of the cockpit. He managed to wrestle himself free and parachuted into the sea. The ship the USS Cunningham came to his rescue about 20-minutes later.
2/Lt. Staats was killed in a Mustang crash on 17.01.52.

* The source: 2SQUADRON IN KOREA