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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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[일반] Let's Volunteer For UN Memorial Cemetery.

  • WriterCharlie Kim
  • Date2008-03-24 16:29:27
  • Count3217

UN Memorial Cenmetery is good for volunteering.

There is 'Feeling' that you can feel only in the UN Memorial Cemetery.

Members of the Office are kind, also It is good for walking around.

You will enjoy coming here.

I feel like that I'm willing to come here even if I don't need the paper(volunteering certificate).

If you have enough time to date or rest , you gotta come here.

For respect or for Enjoy the nature.

Everybody can come here for free, But it's unbelievable view everywhere.

I recommand to reders, It's one of the best place I've ever been in Busan.

For your information, I'm a Korean high school student who is volunteering at the UNMCK.