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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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Thanks to british

  • Writerkim yujin
  • Date2018-08-12 20:28:51
  • Count1044

Dear British veterans, Hello. My name is Yujin Kim and I go to Goyang global High School. recently, I am interested in korean war and diplomat so This time, I researched about the country that fought in Korean War. Then I got to know England. In fact, I didn't really think much about it except the United States. Because almost history text book in korea have refered only u.s.a in korean war But after finding out that Britain provided the most aid in naval combat, I was left behind by the United States, reflecting myself for not thinking about England. So, if I join the war, I will not only think of the U.S.a but also of Britain. And thank you for sending a lot of maritime troops to protect our country. it turns out that we've assembled a first division of the Commonwealth. In fact, if I were a country in another country, I would have been able to deploy so many troops. again, thank you for sending in so many troops. I hope that we can maintain good diplomatic relations with Korea in the future. It's not going to happen again, but if something bad happens to each other, we want to help each other and develop our relationship further.