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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

Please write whatever dedicational message you wish.
If your message is found unsuitable, it will be deleted.

Total 541 List (39/55 page)

No. Title Writer Count Date
161 Mrs J. Mitchell 1573 2012-04-05
160 Marie Greene 1627 2012-02-15
159 JAMES MOORE 1548 2012-02-13
158 admin 1705 2012-02-08
157 Mrs B Glynn-Baker 8647 2011-12-24
156 Mr I Glynn-Baker 8371 2011-12-24
155 VINCE CHERRY 1676 2011-12-23
154 Peter Thorn 1615 2011-12-15
153 Richard Hopkins 1766 2011-11-12
152 Mrs P. Beaumont 1848 2011-10-31