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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

Please write whatever dedicational message you wish.
If your message is found unsuitable, it will be deleted.

Total 551 List (2/56 page)

No. Title Writer Count Date
541 Marilyn James 458 2024-04-25
540 Joan Mitchell 406 2024-04-05
539 Ian Glynn-Baker 541 2023-12-19
538 Ian Glynn-Baker 504 2023-12-19
537 Guy Black 648 2023-11-13
536 Graham & Sue Smith 530 2023-11-11
535 crimta 611 2023-10-31
534 Sukkil kim 617 2023-10-08
533 Olivia Johnstone 521 2023-09-15
532 Lawrence KOSTIUK 593 2023-08-22

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